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A Common Sense approach for YOUR money
“Given our rapidly changing world, the revolution impacting work, lengthening life spans, and today’s major economic trends, navigating the FinancialVerse is more difficult than ever before. To be successful in whatever the current stage of your financial life you find yourself, you must have an understanding of what you are looking to achieve.
It is never too late to get started on improving your knowledge of and relationship with money. You can improve your journey and make it more successful with that success defined by you."
A Common Sense Approach For Your Money provides a much needed roadmap of what to expect in our financial lives. This starts in our Adulting Stage, to working in the Striving Stage to the final or Fulfilling Stage of later life. Harry acts as your guide and spells out, in a very understandable way, what the risks, opportunities and key decisions the reader will need to make as they move through each stage. He explores what it is like to make decisions influenced by today’s technology, economic trends, and work opportunities.
Harry Stout and the FinancialVerse have been featured on:
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