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Get started on your journey to Savings 


600 Ideas to Save Your Household at Least $600 Per Year

In times of pandemic-influenced economic uncertainty, learning how to live with less, while still enjoying life, is an exercise worth practicing. Making changes to your cash budget and expenses and learning how to save your money takes time. However, the more you practice your new habits, the sooner they will settle into your mind as normal behavior.


The FinancialVerse Guide to Savings – 600 Practical Cash Saving Ideas  was written to make your financial life easier by showing you where to look for savings and discounts — helping to keep more cash in your pocket.


Print ($16.99) or eBook ($3.99) also available from the following retailers:
Guide to Savings Cover - December 2020 (
Apple Books

600 Practical Cash Saving Ideas explores:

  • The impact of the pandemic on savings

  • What questions to ask yourself about money

  • Where to look for cost savings

  • Proven ways to help you save money on:

Calculate Savings
  • Big purchases

  • Childcare

  • Cleaning

  • Clothing

  • Food

  • College funding

  • Housing and utilities

  • Entertainment

  • Gifting

  • Healthcare

  • Income taxes

  • Insurance

  • Subscriptions

  • Technology

  • Transportation

  • Travel

  • Moving costs

  • Weddings

600 Practical Cash Saving Ideas also provides:

  • Tips for finding coupons and discounts

  • Ideas for managing credit cards and improving your credit score

  • Techniques for tackling debt

  • Ways to improve your financial wellness and knowledge

  • Guidance on maximizing investments and savings

  • Useful spending habits


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