Each week as we research content for the FinancialVerse we read articles, blogs, and magazines looking for information that could help our readers. We also listen to numerous podcasts and radio programs. This week’s suggested reads address three key issues – your tax withholding, applying for a credit card, and the state of retirement savings for most Americans.
Here are this week’s suggested reads:
From USA Today - The Internal Revenue Service has introduced its new Tax Withholding Estimator to help you manage your paycheck withholding. The online tool is easy to use (we tried it) and will help you make sure you do not have too much or too little income tax withheld from your paychecks and face a major surprise come tax filing time.
Managing your income tax withholding can increase your cash flow and help you have the money necessary to pay bills, reduce debt to add to your emergency savings fund.
This is a simple, but very important article from Transunion, one of the credit reporting bureaus, that discusses the three main ways to apply for a credit card. The article presents the practical considerations of applying online, in-person and by mail for a card. It addresses why you might want to use each of these.
This article from The Hill reports the results of a recent report from the Joint Economic Committee Democrats (no political affiliation intended) that concludes Americans today are less prepared for retirement than previous generations, with half of all U.S. households at risk of a lower standard of living after they leave the workforce.
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