When you buy insurance protection, you are purchasing several key common-sense benefits, including protection of your income, cash flow certainty and financial security for your family. Ensuring you have adequate insurance as part of your financial strategy is key to navigating the FinancialVerse succesfully.

I join the host of GMR to discuss the role insurance plays in our financial lives and why this one choice is so crucial to our success.
You can also revisit my previous Moneysavers post, Common Sense Reasons to Buy Insurance Coverage, as I explore this topic and help readers understand that there are valid, common-sense reasons to
buy insurance.
If you like our posts, you’ll love our books. Our sole source of income for the FinancialVerse comes from sales of our books. If you would like to know more about the practical side of your money, give one of our books a read.
Our two most recently released books are:
The third book in the series, Today’s Annuity Products – A Tool To Create Protected Lifetime Income will be released in November.
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