The FinancialVerse is now about 18 months old and we continue to grow our content and offerings. At this time, our subscribers are asking a number of questions. They include:
How do I make best use of FinancialVerse content?
Where do I find cash savings ideas?
What financial information is offered?
Can you help me with research into a financial subject?
The short answer to all these questions is yes. The FinancialVerse can help. In this post we will review the FinancialVerse’s key capabilities and how they can help on your money journey.
First off, the website is available 24/7 and you can access the website a number of ways including using your cellphone, tablet or desktop. The easiest way to have the site at your fingertips is to add the site to the home screen of your device.
Subscription Blog
You can subscribe to our twice per week blog that is delivered to your mailbox. We try to keep our posts to around 800 words such that they can be read in two to three minutes at max. We write our posts to provide you with major ideas and topics that you can use. We do not attempt to address all financial matters just the most important for you to know about. We also offer guest contributors that add their perspectives from the investment, insurance and financial planning worlds.
Cash Savings Ideas
The typical American household spends over $63,000 per year in living expenses. To help you look for places in our budgets to save money we have written a new book, The FinancialVerse Guide to Cash Savings – 600 Practical Cash Savings Ideas. The book will be available in April. It contains ideas in over 20 areas where households spend the bulk of their money. We believe that most households can save at least $600 per year by implementing ideas contained in the book.
Harry Stout is a frequent guest on a number of the top national personal finance podcasts where he discusses a number of personal finance topics. We add these appearances to the website your benefit.
Resource Links
Under the Resources tab, we offer links to top personal finance and financial organization websites. This list is updated frequently and can save you time in research to find the information you need about subjects you are looking to learn more about. We have provided what we think are the best sites for the subjects listed.
Contact Us
As a subscriber to the site or a follower on social media, you are always welcome to ask us anything. Some of our best posts have come from questions we have received. We will never use your name or personal information in our responses. We look to help you find direction for your inquiries.
How We Operate
One last small, but important matter for you. The FinancialVerse does not sell or in any way provide your contact information to any company, search engine or other vendor. We created the FinancialVerse to help individuals learn more about money and how to find financial security.
We have one favor to ask of you. If you enjoy what the FinancialVerse offers please like us on Facebook; forward our blog posts and other content to your personal networks; subscribe to our blog if you have not already or purchase one of our books. It would be greatly appreciated.