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New Book guides the annuity buying process

“The major roadblock to annuity sales is that consumers do not understand the products. I have written Today’s Annuity Products – A Tool to Create Protected Lifetime Income to provide consumers with the information they need. Designed to be used as part of the sales process—this easy-to-read book prepares the consumer with the knowledge needed to meet with a financial professional to begin the buying process.”
Harry Stout and the FinancialVerse have been featured on:
Most people live in a world of financial anxiety and stress. In most cases, they don't fully understand what financial decisions they need to make and where to get help making these decisions. One of those decisions has to do with possibly purchasing the guarantees and protected income provided by annuity products.
The FinancialVerse: Today’s Annuity Products: A Tool to Create Protected Lifetime Income walks consumers through what they should consider in buying annuities, including:
What Are Annuities and How Do They Work?
The Core Benefits of Annuities
Annuity Income Tax Benefits and Negatives
Annuity Product Types
Why Buy An Annuity?
The Major Positives and Negatives to Buying Annuities
How Much Income Should I Plan For?
Financial Strength Behind the Products
Where to Buy and the Buying Process
Your Next Steps
Final Thoughts / Should You Buy An Annuity?
Today’s Annuity Products can help get the annuity conversation started and provides a valuable supplemental resource to the education and guidance you offer your clients.
Understanding Annuities explores the history of annuities, their pro's and con's, the various types, and why people include them in their portfolios.
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